Kõrvemaa Nordic Baltic Endurance Championship

The Kõrvemaa Nordic Baltic Endurance Championship will take place in Kõrvemaa Nature Reserve in Northern Estonia at the Kõrvemaa Hike and Ski Center. The competition place is located 60 km from the port of Tallinn and 110 km from the port of Paldiski. We have been organizing endurance rides at Kõrvemaa since 2011.
28 June will be held 50CEN, 80CEN and CEI1*
29 June – CEIY 1*, CEI2*, CEIY2* and EMV Juunior, EMV Seenior
This video gives you a nice idea of the beautiful landscape at Kõrvemaa
There are only 12 dbl rooms available. Best way is to send quicly email.
There are many rooms availble. 2dbl room is 32eur. 3person/room 45eur. Please send email. There is only cash.
Kuuldavasti on võimalus ka kohapeal telkida. 5eur/in 1 öö koos wc ja pesemisvòimalusega.
It is possible to stay in a tent for 5 euros/per night/per person (price includes using the shower)
Boat tickets
Sel aastal toetab laupäeva auhinnafondi Cavalor Baltic Fifty-fifty müslikottidega. http://www.cavalorshop.eu/et/a/cavalorr-fifty-fifty-20kg.
Lisaks ootab kõiki osalejaid Cool Sens 25ml näidiskotike. http://www.cavalorshop.eu/et/a/cavalorr-cooling-wash-500ml
Kuni Põhjamaade Meistrivõistlusteni kõik Cavalor tooted soodsama hinnaga.
Cavalor Baltic supports our competition with Fifty-fifty muesli bags: http://www.cavalorshop.eu/et/a/cavalorr-fifty-fifty-20kg.
• In addition, all participants receive an example bag of Cool Sens 25ml: http://www.cavalorshop.eu/et/a/cavalorr-cooling-wash-500ml
• All Cavalor products are in the sale until the Nordic-Baltic Championships. You can order by contacting us – estendurance@gmail.com until 19 june 2019.